This woodworking set up kit contains a range of tools as well as wood fixings and eye protective glasses for safety. It has been put together based on our experience of working with tools, children and wood and is designed for at least one adult working with up to four children. Providing real tools and training in using them safely gives children a sense of purpose and agency whilst letting their creativity develop.
Woodworking with Early Years and older children can provide ‘a truly unique and profound experience’ (Pete Moorhouse) especially when children are allowed to be creative and self motivated. Providing opportunities for working with wood encourages the development of creativity, maths, science and language skills as well as building self-esteem and confidence.
Woodworking Kit contains:
- 1 x General Carpentry Pull Saw
- 1 x Japanese Pull Saw 150mm
- 4 x 8oz Stubby Ball Pein Hammer
- 1 x Bear Claw Nail Puller
- 2 X Draper Pistol Grip Hand Drill
- 10 X 3mm Drill Bit
- 4 X Stubby Posidriv PZ2 Screwdriver
- 1 X Assorted Pack of Sand Paper
- 1 X 500g Pack of 25mm Round Head Nails
- 1 X Box of approx. 200 Wood Screws (for PZ2 screwdriver)
- 2 X Irwin Quick Grip Mini Clamps
- 5 X Junior JSP Stealth 7000AS Clear Safety Glasses
- Optional: Stanley quick vice
Please Note: If you are intending to set up a woodworking provision, training in the underpinning theories and the techniques in safely using the tools is very important. Pete Moorhouse provides a unique and accessible online course… visit his website for more details