Our commitment to the environment includes any matter that relates to the protection of the earth and any areas of operation that impact on sustainability. Our social responsibilities lie in our focus on fairness and equality through our operations with employees, associated health and safety, support and wellbeing. It also extends to our choice of suppliers and the relationships with have with them. Our regulatory obligations lie in complying with UK law and the way we run and govern our own business activities.

In all of the above areas we will look for opportunities to improve our ethical and environmental performance and our staff meeting agendas will reflect this element each time we meet.

What this means in Practice

  • Environmental

    • Conserve energy through switching off appliances that are not in use.
    • Minimise the use of paper and use re-cycled paper when possible
    • Use digital storage methods for administration where possible
    • Re-cycle packaging and paper wherever possible
    • Use environmentally friendly products for cleaning etc. wherever possible
    • Dispose of waste materials by re-cycling them if possible
    • Dispose of un-recyclable waste materials responsibly
    • Use fairtrade / organic products wherever possible
    • Management of our woodlands is carried out sustainably and has a management plan that focusses on the wellbeing of the woodland and pasture areas.  This document is periodically reviewed.
    • Minimise travel where possible
    • Replacement vehicles will be selected for their low carbon emissions and fuel efficiency
  • Social

    • Treat all employees, associates and customers fairly , with dignity and respect.  Ensure that our products and services are available to all.
    • Operate our stock room and offices according to H&S regulations and with due care to all 
    • Source supplies as locally as possible
    • Seek assurances in written form (if possible) that our suppliers are operating ethically and have a sustainability policy.
    • Use local labour and materials wherever possible
    • Be aware of the ethical background and credentials of companies that we interact with eg. Banking, insurance etc.
    • We will never accept or offer a gift or anything similar which might be construed as a bribe.
  • Governance

    • All staff are involved in the implementation of this policy
    • Update this policy periodically and communicate any changes made to all staff promptly
    • Create a working environment that enables staffs’ contributions and ideas to be welcomed
    • Empower staff to have agency and choice in how they carry out their work roles.